This year, every time someone came up to me and said 'Have a great start to 2010', I wanted to punch them. Most of these people knew it wasn't supposed to be that way. One of my best friends was getting married and moving away to the middle of nowhere, two of my close friends who happen to be my colleagues were leaving our dungeon (which in this case, translates to our office'), I had way too much to accomplish and little time to do it. After years of failing miserably at sticking to New Year resolutions, I decided that it was high time I give up making any resolution whatsoever, and finally managed to accomplish that.
It was a little weird having to explain the 'no-resolution'- resolution to people though. Most of them thought I was crazy. I don't see the point anyway. I end up making the same resolutions every year - Watch your weight, be nice to people, plan your time better, don't procrastinate - the same old boring resolutions which i never adhere to. Watch your weight is always on top of my list, though more so because my mum insists I do and my aunt makes weird clucking noises every time I stuff my face with delicious food. But it never works. I welcome the new year with a glass of wine and some calorie-laden delicacy that would make my doctor's eyes pop out of their sockets. I always pass that off as a celebrating thing, and resolve to sincerely stick to the diet the next morning. But breakfast brings with it another tempting story and sadly the poor resolution is forgotten before it has been attempted and as every other year I still end up looking like a hippo.
Coming back to January and leaving my weighty issues aside. I don't like the thought of being parted against most of my friends at one go. My friend and I have been inseparable for the past four years, we've been through a lot of ups and downs together and we have grown up together. She got married about two weeks ago and it seems strange to live so far away from her and not across the corridor as we were before. It is strange not to hang out with her after work, go out for dinner with her almost every other day or even talk about the most irrelevant things possible. And then there's the ditchers, who got out of the dungeon. I am happy for them, it is the best thing that has happened around here in a while now, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss them every single day. It has been so great to have a friend sitting right next to me at work and listening to my constant cribbing without ever ignoring me. She has been the friend I could confide in without hesitation, my lunch buddy and of course my partner in crime in all the short jokes (A term only a bunch of us can understand, won't really share that joke with you - you might think we are a mean bunch) And of course, there was Dr. House across the table. Sarcasm figures high on his list and damn, I will miss the jokes and the witty comments. I have no idea what February's going to be like and I am dreading the thought.
January has had more than its fair share of downs but it had a few ups too. An old friend turned out to be more than just a friend, and I am really excited about this turn of events, considering I put it off for too long. And though the year did not really begin on that great a note for me, I am hoping for it to get better as the months go by. Let's hope this indeed turns out to be a great new year for me and for everyone else!