My world has become so twisted, it's unbelievable. Gone are the days where I typed furiously on my computer, trying to finish ten things at a time as loud rock kept me company by blaring through my ears. Now the earphones lie sadly in a forgotten corner, hoping to be picked up at some desperate point. Now, what keeps me constant company is the group of lunatics I sit with. Don't be mistaken, I'm a part of this group. Our mission - eat. bray. laugh. And when the shit hits the ceiling, work.
We are called the buffet table. My excuse is - we are a bunch of writers who use our creative minds to the point of exhaustion and we need constant refuelling. None of us opt for healthy food though. Chips, biscuits, chaat as the day progresses. People may laugh as they walk by, but they definitely stop and grab a bite.
I dedicate this post to my beloved buffet table. Had it not been for you, I would still be the writer with the earphones on. I wouldn't have the constant jokes and innuendos to laugh at. Thank you for awakening the insanity. Thank you for giving me a reason to look forward to the dull and boring Mondays. And thank you for making my weight loss plan go down the drain :)