Sep 9, 2011

My Dad's on Facebook...

A few months ago, if someone told me that my Dad's going to be using his Facebook account, I would have laughed hysterically. My dad's not the type to update statuses, post pictures, befriend people he knows and so on. Sure, I get some of my 'crazy' genes from him; he is often heard declaring that he will remain '18 till I die'. Not surprising. But the age doesn't really help him improve his technological IQ.

Of course, he knows the basics. But his idea of optimium computer use is probably hours of playing Free Cell. It always amuses me when he discovers a 'new' aspect of the internet. A few years ago, he couldn't quite comprehend why the videos on Youtube would just pause randomly while playing. I explained the 'buffering' idea, and what a conversation it was! He seemed to think it was some kind of miracle! It still amuses me when he calls me up every other day to talk about some new site that he discovered, and I have to burst his little bubble of joy and warn him about internet scams.

If I look at it from a different perspecitve, I see a role-reversal happening. There was a time when I asked questions galore, and Dad patiently answered them (often not very seriously though). I would discover something I thought was unheard of, until my Dad would very sweetly tell me that it had been around for centuries. And now, I update him on the evolving world of technology...not that my knowledge of it is vast and unlimited. To my geek friends, I am a tech-blonde (pardon the stereotypes, I can't always be politically correct). But it's always fun to hear from Dad when he tells me about a new website that he discovered, or some other new thing he learned.

The weirdest though, was when he told me he logged into Facebook. Over a year ago, I helped him create a Facebook profile. I didn't see the dangers of having him on my friend list back then. All I thought was, "Huh! It's not like he's about to check updates on a daily basis'. A year later, he proved me wrong.

I was talking to him the other day when he commented on my profile picture. I stood up with a jolt and wondered how the hell he saw it. Not like I post questionable pictures, just insane ones. The picture we're talking about right now, is me wearing a 'Mickey Ears' hat. No pun intended, but my Dad had fun taking the mickey out of me on that one.

I started asking him if he read any of my updates, and of course, he had. Which means I need to start behaving myself on Facebook now. No more creative abusing. I need to tread lightly. Of course, I can always do that on my blog. He has no clue I have one. I think my lunatic adventures can seek a safe shelter in this space.

Good luck finding this one, Dad :)