Once again, it has been a long time since I ranted here. I can't help it, I'm going to blame Twitter for distracting me. For some reason, it's got me more hooked than Facebook. Sometimes, I feel my Facebook page is crying out to me, begging me to update my status, but I guiltily look away and proceed to sharing pictures and wishing people (If it weren't for Facebook, everyone would be pissed at me for forgetting their birthdays).
That's not the only thing that has been distracting me though. I've got another addiction - T.V. shows. Not the mindless Saas-Bahu crap, that is best left to its pathetic audience. My addiction is Dexter, Homeland, and recently, The Big Bang Theory. Needless to say, I've been busy watching episode after episode, leaving me with very little time to write here. I was discussing blogs yesterday when I suddenly remembered I have one of own. And I felt it calling out to me like a little lost child in a fair, calling out to its mommy. So here I am, putting work aside for a bit to connect with my dearly beloved blog and write some of my usual nonsense.
Actually, I do have something important to say. I need to thank someone. The creators of The Big Bang Theory. For creating a character like Sheldon Cooper. The Sheldon Coopers of the world make me feel happy about myself. They make me realise I'm not that deranged after all. Just the other day, I was almost about to fall asleep when my sister asked me, "What is the name of Ron Weasley's favourite Quidditch team?" And without a moment's hesitation, I prompted, "Chudley Cannons." At 12:30 am.
For a moment, I felt proud of my Harry Potter IQ. Then, it struck me. I needed a life. I'm 24 years old, I need to have prompt responses about financial investments or politics or other crap adults talk about. But I don't know shit about all those things. I stopped growing (mentally, not physically. Physically, I add an interesting number of kilos to my ever-widening frame on a yearly basis) a long time ago. Spot me among a group of adults and I'm the one lost in a parallel universe, barely talking, only shaking my head and provding the occasional 'so true' when social decorum requires it. But throw me among a group of kids, adolescents specifically, and I can carry out a lively conversation about things everyone understands.
Again, not my fault. I can't understand numbers, I don't give a fuck about politics and the investment experts can kiss my broke ass. What I do understand is that a world filled with fantasies is way better than reality. What I also understand is that parties are the place to crack a few jokes about the Kardashians, bitch about work and pass filthy comments about people I don't like. My mother's birthday party had her friends discussing relatives in the hospital and death and such other matters that made me drink a little more than I intended to. Good for me, I can maintain sobriety even at my drunken best. Although I should've let my wild side show just a little bit. Would have added some much needed life to the party.
And with this soberly drunken note, I choose to end this post. Not because I'm out of thoughts. Because people are beginning to notice me smiling weirdly at my machine, and if I do that for too long, I'm going to be saddled with work. So Adios, friends and foes. Until next time. Hopefully that's before the year ends.