Oct 8, 2009

What's cooking?

A colleague and I have spent a horrendous month editing what we have aptly labelled as a nightmare - a cook book that has successfully drained the happiness from our lives. After numerous days of remaining holed up in the office staring at our screens and trying to make sense out of utter nonsense, we decided to take it easy. If we were drowning in hell, might as well make a few jokes at its expense.
Facebook is an amazing place to vent out your frustrations, mainly through comments on status messages and pictures. As the cook book got progressively obscene (there were recipes that wanted people to flatten their balls with a rolling pin!), so did our jibes, until the project manager stepped in. I have aptly named that woman a dementor - her nightmarish deadlines and constant pressure suck the soul out of me.
I would like to take a moment and pat myself and A, my colleague, on this job well done..It takes guts to blatantly butcher the most complicated Indian recipes into half, and claim we 'edit' thoroughly. Thanks A, for all the support during those scary days, when a nervous breakdown was looming on the horizon. Let's hope to kill this project in a month. :)
P.S. : If I do not add to my blog for over a month, you may assume that the cook book emerged victorious in our vicious battle, and death embraced me like along lost friend who couldn't even wait till my birthday to take me away.


  1. Don't slip on the snakes slime sweetheart, I'm there to mop up the gunk with you :-D We shall kill 'em!

  2. Than you brown girl..I wish you all the best for doing the snakes..Hope the batch you tested were safe ;-)
