Oct 26, 2009

Lately, there happens to be just one thing I can think/dream/talk/write/ blog/ harp/complain about. The cook book. It has successfully snatched the reigns of my life from me and now occupies every single nook and cranny in my crazy head. No matter how I hard I try to get away from it, the blessed book hunts me down, jumps out in front of me and yells 'Gotcha!' and then sticks to me like George Bush to the false fantasy of finding Osama Bin Laden.
I thought Sunday would be a great day to lock the book away and catch up on normal human activities, namely, socializing with friends in order to remind them that I still exist and clean up the disheveled burrow that happens to be my room. It began as a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly through my window, the pile of clothes pleading to be folded and arranged neatly, the papers and books strewn all over the room urging to be stacked and returned to their respective shelves. I finally managed to spare the room a glance and begin my cleaning spree, which surprisingly didn't take me too long. Although I shouldn't be that surprised, the cook book makes me look at the usually boring tasks in my life with a lot more enthusiasm than I usually spare. Once I was done and the room managed to look not spotless clean, but decently acceptable, a friend and I decided to step out for a movie - Julia & Julie.
I usually let my common sense prevail over my impulses and review the plot of a movie before watching it. Now call it fate or sheer bad luck that I decided to skip that part for this movie. I plopped down on the comfortable seat, completely clueless as to what the movie was all about. And there it came. A cook book! My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. No way could this be happening to me. All I wanted was a day to myself, just 24 hours of pure me, no cookbook baggage attached, and yet there it was, right in front of my eyes, mocking me.
This boils down to just one thought:The @#$@#$@% cookbook has now become an integral part of my existence, and I may not be able to part with it. No matter how much I yearn to. It will continue to haunt me for days, months or maybe even years to come. But I refused to be threatened by it. No longer will it rule my life, or dictate my actions in anyway. Which reminds me, I better stop writing now, the cookbook is waiting for me :)

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